Marc Wiedemann


Since 2011, Dipl. Phys. Marc Wiedemann has been working on I/O analysis and optimization. He writes his thesis about cross-layer analysis and optimzation of input/output of high performance computing systems“. Currently, he is focussing on system-wide time and energy monitoring of parallel programs on application, middleware and kernel level. Mr. Wiedemann has reviewed papers for international conferences and took part in paper and poster sessions of the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) from 2012 to 2015. Currently, he contributes to simultaneous faster, energy conserving runs of parallel I/O workflows in science.

Research Interests

  • Analysis of parallel applications
  • Analysis of system-wide parallel I/O
  • Optimization of parallel application performance
  • Parallel file systems
  • Management of cluster systems
  • Software engineering of scientific software
  • Software configuration of hardware components
  • Distributed object and file storage and persistance





  • A Comparison of Trace Compression Methods for Massively Parallel Applications in Context of the SIOX Project (Alvaro Aguilera, Holger Mickler, Julian Kunkel, Michaela Zimmer, Marc Wiedemann, Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn), In Tools for High Performance Computing 2013, pp. 91–105, ISBN: 978-3-319-08143-4, 2014
    Publication details


  • Towards I/O Analysis of HPC Systems and a Generic Architecture to Collect Access Patterns (Marc Wiedemann, Julian Kunkel, Michaela Zimmer, Thomas Ludwig, Michael Resch, Thomas Bönisch, Xuan Wang, Andriy Chut, Alvaro Aguilera, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Michael Kluge, Holger Mickler), In Computer Science - Research and Development, Series: 28, pp. 241–251, Springer New York Inc. (Hamburg, Berlin, Heidelberg), ISSN: 1865-2034, 2013-05
    Publication detailsURL





  • Towards I/O Analysis of HPC Systems & a Generic Architecture to Collect Access Patterns (Marc Wiedemann), International Supercomputing Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2012-06-19 Presentation


Sommersemester 2016

Wintersemester 2015/2016

Wintersemester 2014/2015

Sommersemester 2014

Wintersemester 2013/2014

Sommersemester 2013

Wintersemester 2012/2013

Sommersemester 2012